The Importance of Commercial Property Management


Leasing and managing commercial or industrial premises can be a daunting task for even the most experienced investor.

Under management of a commercial premises can seriously impact both the value and condition of your asset, a key investment in your property portfolio.

As experts in the commercial management industry, our team keep abreast of current changes to leasing laws and market trends in commercial leasing. We will not only oversee your most valued asset but assist in its growth value by ensuring the tenant complies with its obligations under the lease, including payment of rent and outgoings (where applicable) and maintenance and repairs.

Ensuring rent increases are enforced against the tenant and undertaking routine inspections of commercial premises, are two of the most common items that we see under managed.
At GSRE we ensure rent increases are imposed, routine inspections undertaken and regular reports given to our landlords.

Since the incorporation of Flanagan & Reed, Rocky Gagliardi through his specialised knowledge of the commercial industry and expansive client base has successfully increased GSRE’s commercial property management rentals by over 200%.

In the last 12 months GSRE have successfully leased out a record number of vacant shops, sheds, warehouses and vacant commercial land. Statistics released by Greater Shepparton City Council support the considerably lower rate of vacancies in the CBD and greater Goulburn Valley area. Rocky maintains that increased confidence has come from small and new business owners, national investors and franchises coming have all contributed to this positive outcome for our region.

Due to the low number of vacant properties on our list and the high inquiry rates from potential tenants to lease commercial and industrial properties in the area, Rocky and his commercial property management team are looking for new commercial and industrial properties to lease.

So if you either own a commercial property that is vacant or are currently managing your own commercial property that is tenanted and want to see the difference a great manager can make to the value of your investment, then Rocky would be more than happy to chat anytime.