LOT 1: 209 CENTRAL MUNDOONA— 345 acres. $6250 per acre Well set up for fast flow irrigation and subdivided into large cropping paddocks. 30 acre centre pivot and all pumped via the adjoining broken creek. 3.7 delivery share, 2 outlets from the creek, 1 S&D outlet. This property is currently under subdivision existing a house and small lot for the owner to keep so access may be available but settlement will be subject to the subdivision.

LOT 2: SHARPS ROAD—300 acres $4250 per acre dry block, recent good crop producer, wheat & Canola. If lot 1 is brought in conjunction this block will have the ability to be irrigated free of delivery share with some irrigation infrastructure work adjoining.

AS A WHOLE $5250 per acre
Contact Agent
Agent Details
Darren Scott


mobile 0419 001 708

office (03) 5831 1800


Simon Quarrell

Sales Executive

mobile 0437 663 039

office (03) 5831 1800
